Society of Indiana Archivists
Preserving Indiana History

Logo that says SIA 2025 in blue and orange text.

When Cloning Coworkers Isn’t an Option (Yet): Practical Tips and Tricks in Archives

2025 Society of Indiana Archivists Annual Meeting

April 3-4, 2025 | Indianapolis, IN (or Virtual)

Pre-Annual Meeting Workshop | Annual Meeting | ProgramRegistration

Parking & Travel | Hotel | Scholarships | Tours and Networking Dinner | Social Media

in partnership with

Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Department of Library and Information Science, Indiana University Indianapolis

at the Informatics and Communications Technology Complex (ICTC) building at Indiana University Indianapolis

Sponsored by

Crimson trident logo for Indiana University with text Luddy

Logo for Indiana Archives and Records Administration in blue text and stars in the upper left hand corner.

IU Trident logo with text University Library Indianapolis

2025 Pre-Annual Meeting Workshop

Digital POWRR: Workshop for Digital Preservation

Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (EST)

Informatics and Communications Technology Complex (ICTC) Building, Room: IT 303

Indiana University Indianapolis 

535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Registration due March 21, 2025 at midnight.  No onsite registration available. 

$40.00 SIA Member | $60.00 Non-Member | $20.00 Students, Retirees, Volunteers

Logo for POWRR and text: "Preserving Digital Objects with Restricted Resources." Image has lightning and binary code behind text.

Digital Preservation refers to the series of managed activities necessary to ensure continued access to digital materials for as long as necessary. Digital preservation is defined very broadly for the purposes of this study and refers to all the actions required to maintain access to digital materials beyond the limits of media failure or technological and organizational change. 

Digital POWRR: Workshop for Digital Preservation continues the POWRR mission of empowering librarians and archivists to build skills for curating and preserving digital collections. This pre-conference workshop will be small, in-person training that will incorporate provide an overview of digital preservation and will conclude with personalized and actionable digital preservation plan for each participant.

While digitizing can be a preservation method, it is inherently different than digital preservation activities. This workshop will not include training on digitization processes or technology. Also out of scope are discussions on creating digital collections and using content management systems (i.e. PastPerfect).

For more information and to register, visit 2025 Pre-Annual Meeting Workshop.

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2025 Annual Meeting

Friday, April 4, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. - 5:05 p.m. (EST)

Informatics and Communications Technology Complex (ICTC), Indiana University Indianapolis 

535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Registration due March 21, 2025 at midnight.  No onsite registration available.

$35.00 SIA Member (In-Person) | $30 (Virtual)

$55.00 Non-Member (In-Person) | $50.00 (Virtual)

$15.00 Students, Retirees, Volunteers (In-Person) | $15.00 (Virtual)

The Society of Indiana Archivists, in partnership with the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Indianapolis, is hosting its Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Friday, April 4. The Annual Meeting will feature presentations on practical tips, tricks, and workflows geared towards those within or adjacent to the archival profession on topics such as student engagement, digital collections, processing, exhibitions, emotional labor, and more. Join SIA members on Thursday for the pre-conference workshop on digital preservation, tours of local archival institutions, and an evening networking event.

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Annual Meeting Program

Please find the meeting schedule, continuing education, and other detailed information in the 2025 SIA Conference Program.

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Plenary Speaker 

Friday, April 4, 2025 | 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (EST)

Jordan Ryan, City-Council Archivist, City of Indianapolis

How do you tackle a 180-year backlog? In late 2023 the City of Indianapolis’ Office of Finance & Management established the City-County Archives. Ryan, the Administrator for Public Records, or City-County Archivist, acquired this monumental and seemingly impossible task. Ryan will discuss the creation of this new records center focused on local government materials as well as newly accessible collections available at the CCA. They will also outline topics including space, staff, budgets, procedures, outreach, special projects, and lessons learned.

Jordan Ryan is a local government & built environment archivist. They currently serve as City-County Archivist for the City of Indianapolis, managing local government records compliance, collections, and access. Ryan operates the consulting firm, The History Concierge, and previously managed the architectural archives and Indianapolis Bicentennial Project for a statewide institution. They have an M.A. in Public History from Indiana University-Indianapolis and a B.A. in Art History from Herron School of Art and Design. 

Portriat photo of Jordan Ryan, SIA 2025 Plenary Speaker standing in front of a background of plants.

Jordan Ryan, City of Indianapolis

Photo courtesy of Jordan Ryan


Register for the annual meeting by completing the online registration form below after reviewing all information.

  • Registration will close on Friday, March 21, 2025.
  • There will be no on-site registration the day of the Annual Meeting.
  • All times listed in the program are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • All payments are due prior to the start of the Annual Meeting.
  • Cancellations with refund must be made by emailing Julie Motyka at jmotyka[at]archindy[dot]org before the Annual Meeting.
  • All registrants will receive an acknowledgement of their registration and a receipt for their payment.
  • Virtual attendees will receive links for the Annual Meeting via email the week of the Annual Meeting
  • Members: please log in to access member rates. If you are not currently a member, or your membership has lapsed, you must sign up for membership first in order to register with the member rate.

Online payment is available or, if you prefer, you may make checks payable to the Society of Indiana Archivists, and mail to:

Society of Indiana Archivists

c/o Julie Motyka, Treasurer

Archdiocese of Indianapolis

1400 N. Meridian Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367


LEUs and ARCs

SIA is on the Indiana State Library's (ISL) list of approved training providers for continuing education for library professionals and earning LEUs (Library Education Units). Please visit the ISL website for more information on reporting LEUs:

For information on earning ARCs (Archival Recertification Credits) for the Academy of Certified Archivists recertification, please visit the ACA website:

Please contact Katey Watson at watso217[at]purdue[dot]edu with any questions.

Virtual Attendance

SIA is again offering a virtual attendance option for the Annual Meeting. Virtual attendees will be able to livestream all sessions, the plenary, and the business meeting.

No matter your attendance, SIA looks forward to seeing you on April 4!

Online meeting links will be sent to registrants prior to the Annual Meeting. If you have any issues with virtual attendance during the Annual Meeting, contact SIA Webmaster Jo Otremba at jotremba[at]purdue[dot]edu.

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Parking & Travel

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Informatics and Communications Technology Complex (ICTC) Building on the Indiana University Indianapolis campus, which is the home of the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. The building is located at the corner of Michigan Street and West Street, and the main entrance is off of Michigan Street.

Address: 535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Parking is available at the Gateway Parking Garage. The entrance to the parking garage is located at the corner of Blackford Street and North Street. 

Parking Address: 525 North Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

If you are interested in sharing a ride with other attendees to the Annual Meeting, please use the SIA listserv to find people in your area and facilitate a carpool arrangement.

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Map to Parking Garage


The Society of Indiana Archivists did not reserve a block of hotel rooms for the 2025 Annual Meeting. The recommended accommodation is:

Hampton Inn by Hilton Indianapolis Downtown IUI

414 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202


0.2 miles away (5-minute walk)

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In 2025, two scholarships will be awarded for the Society of Indiana Archivists Annual Meeting, held on April 4, 2025. Both scholarships will receive a complimentary registration to the Annual Meeting and $150 to cover the expenses associated with attending. The two scholarships are the Thomas Krasean Student Scholarship and the John Newman Memorial Professional Development Scholarship.

Thomas Krasean Student Scholarship

Graduate students enrolled in a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program, Master of Arts (MA) in History or Museum Studies program, or a related graduate program, and new professionals (up to five years of post-graduate work experience) are encouraged to apply.

John Newman Memorial Professional Development Scholarship

Anyone in the field of special collections and archives in the state of Indiana is eligible to apply for this scholarship. New employees and volunteers are especially encouraged to apply as well as applicants with limited professional development opportunities available through their institution.

Application Information

Deadline: March 21, 2025 (2 weeks prior)

Submission: Submit a statement of interest stating why you want to attend the annual meeting and how it will benefit you. Include in your statement a brief outline of your archival education and any work history, along with a description of your long-term professional goals. Please include your contact information (name, mailing address, phone, and e-mail) as well as contact information for your institution or employer. Statements should be no more than 200-400 words.

Please submit the information stated above via email to Sara Stefani at samastef[at]iu[dot]edu. The award recipients will be shared with all applicants via email and announced through the SIA listserv prior to the meeting. Upon accepting the award, the recipient must submit a headshot along with a reflection of the annual meeting for publication in the SIA newsletter.

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Pre-Annual Meeting Events

This year, SIA is offering two free tour options the day prior to the annual meeting, as well as organizing a networking dinner. There are no costs for either tour and participants need only pay for their food and drink at the dinner. Please indicate in your registration if you will be attending either tour or the dinner. Transportation will not be provided.

Tour Options

City of Indianapolis Archives

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

200 E Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204

Near the end of 2023, the City of Indianapolis established the City-County Archive. Join us for a tour of the growing archives space in the former City-County Building court wing. The tour will highlight newly discovered and accessible collections and discuss successes and challenges with retention compliance, accessibility, digital platforms, and engagement.

Tour is wheelchair accessible. Participants will need to go through security (no metal). Maximum of 20 participants.

City of Indianapolis Archives

Indiana Historical Society

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

450 W Ohio St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 

A quick jaunt from IUI's campus will land you at the Indiana Historical Society. Join us for a behind the scenes tour of the stacks, check out some fun items from the collections, and then enjoy free time to explore exhibits.

Mitchell Printing Company Photographs, Indiana Historical Society

Dinner and Networking Event

Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 5:30 p.m. (EST)

The Garage Food Hall
906 Carrollton Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Join the Society of Indiana Archivists for a dinner and networking event at The Garage Food Hall on Thursday evening from 5:30 PM onward (EST). Please RSVP for the event when registering for the Annual Meeting. Attendees are responsible for purchasing their own food and drinks.

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Social Media 

Tweet your thoughts and celebrations with the hashtags #SIASP25 and tag us and your colleagues!

Society of Indiana Archivists social media: @INarchivist | INarchivist

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Society of Indiana Archivists is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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