Society of Indiana Archivists
Preserving Indiana History

2021 Society of Indiana Archivists Virtual Events

Pop-ups | Social Media

The SIA Board is excited to offer virtual opportunities for members. If you would like to suggest or offer a pop-up session, please contact

Virtual Pop-ups

Please join us this spring for our virtual pop-up series! What’s a virtual pop-up? We’re setting aside an hour during lunch to discuss archival issues. A leader will be designated for each pop-up and will facilitate the online discussion. 

Pop-ups are free to SIA members and will be hosted using Zoom, a video and audio-conferencing platform. Attendees can participate by computer, tablet, or phone. Sign-in instructions will be sent via email the day before each pop-up. For additional help, visit Zoom’s Help CenterTo register or become an SIA member, visit our Membership page.

There are no upcoming pop-ups. Please join us in April for our virtual Annual Meeting.

Past 2021 Pop-ups

Friday, January 8 | 12:30-1:30pm
A Monkey Wrench: Adding Pandemic to Disaster Plan
Kaman Hillenburg, Evansville Museum of Arts

Prior to 2020 many of us thought that a comprehensive disaster plan only needed to cover natural disasters, active shooters, and terrorist threats. Little did we know that the topic of pandemic is now a quintessential chapter. Come and join fellow members to discuss ways to prepare a sweeping plan for future pandemic and epidemic diseases. 

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Friday, March 5 | 11:30-12:30pm EST
Making Lemonade from Pandemic Lemons

Sally Childs-Helton, Butler University

We are a year into the first pandemic of our lives, and it likely won’t be the last. The pandemic forced us to make rapid and radical changes to the ways we do our jobs as archivists. We’ve had a year in which we’ve been forced out of our comfort zones and traditional ways of doing things, and we’ve used our creativity and determination to discover new ways to do things. What are some of the things we’ve learned that are alternate, and perhaps better, ways to do things? What are some of the innovations and successes we’ll add to our tool kits? What have we learned that can be applied to other emergency scenarios? This pop-up will focus broadly on our profession and daily work, including working from home, doing reference, donations and donor relations, processing, outreach, teaching online with archival materials, digital access to materials, digital exhibits, staffing and hours of operation, etc. Come ready to share your reflections on what you’ve discovered.  

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See 2020 Pop-ups

Social Media

Please share your thoughts with the hashtags #SIAvirtual and #INarchivist and tag us and speakers!

Society of Indiana Archivists: @INarchivist | INarchivist

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© 2021, Society of Indiana Archivists. All rights reserved.
Society of Indiana Archivists is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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